Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Aah! Finally! It has taken many weeks-- nah! many months-- to just get to this. It would sound very perplexing but trust me, I never imagined that the weight of inertia would take so long to get rid of. Practically, it was all about starting the machine and start keying in the words right away. But nay! The same 'Inertia of rest' had me bewitched. Procrastination became my second name. Excuses to procrastinate would shoot up like steam from a pressure cooker--checking emails, reading online newspapers, checking another email account, facebooking, surfing the Internet, then again checking another email account, looking up for recipes, searching for deals, in between refreshing the email webpage and then the other email account page..... 'Wait! Jari! There have to be so many full-time guys writing mails (full-time) only to me as for me to receive new mails every time I refresh the pages'-- the thought sprouted in my head.
This sprouting has taken a wait of months. Let me also mention that the procedure would not have been complete without getting oxygenated from poking, prompting, pressurizing and coaxing from my near and dear ones.
Well, so here I am after breaking my inertia and making a promise that I'll be on this page writing actively instead of surfing the web passively.

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